
A lake in Dromineer

Monday, 23 November 2020

Dr Buttar another hero doctor trying to save the people

There is a battle going on for the people's lives  but they cannot see it


Tuesday, 15 September 2020

What it says in the Bible Revelation pod 67

 So my sound blogs on  the bible  have  been stopped here  so if you want to hear it  either go to facebook and twitter  sites under my name and picture  or email me and I will send you the    podcast free of charge

if you wish to hear it. My email  is 

Be well  

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Sunday, 6 September 2020

young man tries to assert his rights and is draggged of the bus.So much for Irish justice.

It is sad it must come to this, we have been lied to on a constant basis, almost everything  has been proved false, but still it continues. Why?


Tuesday, 1 September 2020

For those following what it says in the bible

So they have altered  the blog so that I cannot  post audio podcasts so do I think it was deliberate, yes I do.

The internet and the world for that matter is, in my opinion , run by a lot of heathen and satanic  scum  and they really do not like the bible. It is not the first attempt to neutralise me in some shape or form.

So if you want access  I post on facebook and twitter. If you want me to post links my email is    .Tell me where you got to podcast number and I will send you  the ones you missed and of course send me your email.

This is not in any way monetized though there have been pressures to do so.It won't happen.

You take care out there  best regards James

Thursday, 27 August 2020

So this is an excellent documentary a couple of fundamentals if I understand it correctly:

 So this is an excellent documentary   a couple of fundamentals if I understand it correctly:

1 he is saying, as I have heard before, the tests they are using don't work because what they are testing for

are irrelevant  to covid or anything related to it.

2 As they have no proper test for  covid they are not even sure it really exists.

3 So they shut down the world for a rumour saying other diseases were actually it and threatening health professionals to say the same.

4 Moreover  he seems to suggest that vaccines don't work  and never did and may actually harm. I do agree.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

If this be true of Sinn Fein it is sad and disappointing no less sickening for the methods used by pedo British intelligence

So of course  British  Intelligence help the corrupt to power and murder the honourable because that is  a society  they like best. Then they can blackmail  those in power to get their way. They wish to  blacken Sinn Fein  who do not need much help there in truth. British intelligence and their pedo controllers have been involved in many pedo scandals such as the Kincora  Boys home orphanage in Northern Ireland where they and certain  other high up civil servants etc would go to Kincora at the weekend to abuse children.. Even  bringing some across the Irish border so that relations of the  royal family could abuse them further in satanic rituals. You notice how this was all kept very quiet  by the mainstream media which tells you whose side they are on.


Thursday, 6 August 2020

I had an Interview with Clancy Tucker in Oz see it here ...I hope

No the link is just shit on this new blog sorry copy and  paste to your browser to see sorry

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Snowden another whistleblower still being persecuted by the criminals who got away

So it seems the world over honest men and women pay the price while criminals run the world.
While technology watches our every move.The Orwellian society is surely here  and  much worse
than  he could ever have predicted in his wildest imaginings.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Stop these vaccinations they are a proven killer

There is no fucking  Pandemic only media  bullshit from the psychos in charge. Stand against this media horseshit, protect your children. Vaccines  have never been proven to prevent  anything but there is plenty of evidence of the damage they do, including polio, autism and death. Wake up you clowns.

Sunday, 8 March 2020

The corona virus drivel

There is no pandemic  there never was it is all media bullshit. This is not the first pack of lies we have been told by the government and media acting together.A great big scam to fool us all. This guy nails it exactly.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

To followers of my page

I am and always have been atrocious at  replying to  comments or sometimes even spotting them ,so my sincere apologies for that.And yes I do put in  quite a bit of work into my blog. I do this for the good of people in general  and I do hope it is of use.I make no money from this nor do I wish to.Its value is what people get from it. TV is for brainwashing the people.I am hopeful this is the opposite in effect.I am  a writer  and do sell my books here and there.But I am not obsessed with money.. Happy to write and be read.So if you do wish to say something to me. My email is
I always check this email and will reply. and if you don't I am more than happy if you just continue to enjoy this blog.Ya might say it is a kind of general service to the world  from me. My love to you all out there take care  from James

What it says in the bible Podcast 43 Gospel of Mark

The  second  gospel

Friday, 28 February 2020

Truth coming out from an honest man

This man is telling the truth believe it or not

Can history repeat itself

The stock exchange has always beeen a financial swamp  to enrich the few and impoverish the many.Nothing has really changed only the technology and often the big names remain  whether up front  or behind the scenes.  The suckers  are mostly the same type of people.

Monday, 24 February 2020

So what is really happening

What if people start dropping like flies wildlife is already dying birds dropping from trees etc and it is not even fully deployed.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

I agree with Nigel Farage word for word

So what has become of our nation since we were coherced into the EEC  by the Pedophile and child murderer Heath friend of  Savile and owned by Victor Rothschild.  A loss of control of our nation and money,  a colapse of  fishing, a giving away of our resources to foreign corporations, a betrayal of our nation and its people, the introduction  of abortion,   the loss of our sovereignty ,and neutrality,loss of parental rights over their children, the loss of free healthcare free waste disposal,free water, the collapse of Irish agriculture and burying us in unnecessary, insane debt  and more insane taxes.

Monday, 3 February 2020

Prince Harry says he knows they killed his mother and who did it

My  sympathy to poor Harry who has endured so much and has  now broken away from the Royal scum  and the Crown in general.My sympathies to him.Note how they try to bury this with another
more trivial video.The world only sees what it wants.